My blog is about my positions on all issues that interest me. These issues stretch across all facets of life - from politics to sports to entertainment. Whether you agree with me or disagree is irrelevant. All I ask is that you read with an open mind and be civil with your opinion. I appreciate those who disagree with me more because, most of the time, I learn from them.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Democrats Resist GOP Efforts To Frame Midterm Elections As Referendum On Obama

I have watched, with a lot of interest, the attempts of the Republican Party, aided by the media, to make the upcoming Senate and House of Representatives elections a referendum on the President of the United States. This they have tried to accomplish by trying to falsely hold the president responsible for the mess the country is in, conveniently forgetting the reason we're in the mess and whose policies or lack of policies brought us to this point.
They have tried to play on the intelligence of the masses, apparently depending on the famed short memories of Americans, to twist, bend and manipulate facts all in a bid to confuse as many people as they can and change the discussion. That's why you hear different far fetched stories about how President Obama is exploding the country's deficits, or how his policies are holding the economy back from progressing.
What those stories fail to tell you is that the real reasons behind the exploding deficits are the two unpaid for wars that the last Republican President, George W. Bush, put the country into. Those two wars have cost the country an upward of $1.6 trillion, so far. Their stories also conveniently forget to say anything about the unpaid for Tax Cuts that the same Bush gave which, by some estimates, cost the country up to $2.5trillion if you calculate interest.
Another thing their stories forget to mention is the fact that it is necessary to spend money, lots of money, in order to come out of a recession. They make it appear that the President is being irresponsible and spending money recklessly. Listening to them, you would think that the bail out of certain banks and companies which were considered too big to fail because of the impact their failure would have had on an already weakened economy, was the crime that caused the recession. This despite the fact that it was their policies or lack of policies that caused those institutions to grow so inordinately big that they ultimately became too big to fail.
In fact, listening to them, you would never know that it was actually their party, led by ex President Bush who started the bailouts. You'd never realize that most of them actually voted to get the bailout done. Now it's politically expedient to lie and make complete daylight and shameless about face because the people are too short memoried to remember what happened less than two years ago. This is what they believe which is why they keep repeating the mantra of "referendum on Obama"
This is not a referendum on any individual or party. What this is, actually, is a referendum on Americans. A referendum on their ability to recognize what's happening around them and what they've learned from the GOP's dishonesty and lies over the years. It's also a referendum on the future of America because a vote for these Republican candidates will fundamentally change the America we know today.
Imagine what the country will look like when you have people like Rand Paul, Sharon Angle, Christine O'Donnell, and others too numerous to put down here, running the show in Washington. Imagine what it will be like to have them continuing the same policies that has brought this country to its knees while bringing in some new ideas like mandating that we get paid with chickens for our services. One of them actually advocated that as a way to solve our health care cost problems. Thank God she was defeated in the primaries.
Imagine what it will be like to re segregate the nation and have some race of people not allowed in certain places. One Republican candidate actually regrets that people were told they couldn't do that. Also imagine what it will be like to have no government at all and have corporations deciding how to run the country because that's the ultimate aim of the Republican party.
Imagine what it will be like to abolish social security, or privatize it and put it into the hands of Wall Streeters. Seeing as they handled the economy with distinction, I guess that would be a great thing to do to ensure a great future for social security. Imagine what it will be like to repeal the health care bill and take us back to the era of dropping people when they get sick and refusing people insurance because of "pre-existing condition".
Imagine what it will be like when women are forced, by law, to carry pregnancies from rapes and incest for nine months and give birth to children from such affairs. Imagine what it will be like when Americans will no longer be allowed to chose and practise any religion of their choice. Imagine what it will be like to live in a police state where the government decides what you do and how you live.
No, this election is not a referendum on any party or individual. It's a referendum on the very sanity of Americans. It's a referendum on whether we still appreciate being a free country or whether we're ready to hand our freedoms over to the state and let the state tell us everything; from who we marry, to who we sleep with, to what religion we practise. It's a referendum on whether we have any brains at all. It's a referendum on whether we've completely lost those values that made this country great.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Sharron Angle's Tea Party Agenda Gets A Drastic Makeover

Why should anyone bother about a woman who only wants to ride on the tailwinds of imbecility sweeping the Republican followership? Sarah Palin has made a lot of money since she had her own political moment in the sun with all the idiocy and abysmal lack of knowledge she displayed. Why blame another (wise) idiot for trying to take advantage of the nitwitism that is the GOP? If the Alaskan imbecile can rake in millions for voicing gibberish, why not the Nevadan dunderhead?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Terrorism: Why They Want to Kill Us
"The child that says its mother will not sleep, will, itself, not sleep" An African adage. "He that lives by the knife, dies by the knife" A world wide adage. The truth is never hidden. It is clear for everyone to see who opens their eyes. That truth is that America will not be safe from terrorism as long as it barges around the world terrorizing others.
President Obama's former pastor said after 9/11 "America's chickens have come home to roost" and everybody screamed bloody murder but the truth is that those chickens will continue coming home to roost until America stops hatching them.
"The corpse looks like a log of wood that belongs to someone else's loved one" Another African adage. The 9/11 bombing killed less than 5000 people and we're still mourning them today. Imagine how long the Iraqis and Afghans will have to mourn the hundreds of thousands of their people that have been killed by American bombs. And mostly for no just reasons.
Many Americans are allergic to the truth and don't want to say or hear it. Be that as it may, I will tell it and that truth is that, contrary to what anyone might think, the American life is, in no way, superior to any other life anywhere around the world. To think otherwise is to continue living in this fools paradise where a very rude awakening awaits. America needs to walk in peace to know peace. "Do unto others...
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
President Obama's former pastor said after 9/11 "America's chickens have come home to roost" and everybody screamed bloody murder but the truth is that those chickens will continue coming home to roost until America stops hatching them.
"The corpse looks like a log of wood that belongs to someone else's loved one" Another African adage. The 9/11 bombing killed less than 5000 people and we're still mourning them today. Imagine how long the Iraqis and Afghans will have to mourn the hundreds of thousands of their people that have been killed by American bombs. And mostly for no just reasons.
Many Americans are allergic to the truth and don't want to say or hear it. Be that as it may, I will tell it and that truth is that, contrary to what anyone might think, the American life is, in no way, superior to any other life anywhere around the world. To think otherwise is to continue living in this fools paradise where a very rude awakening awaits. America needs to walk in peace to know peace. "Do unto others...
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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