Monday, September 27, 2010

GOP's Pledge To America; Anything New?

It's clear from what is happening in our society these days that a lot of people don't understand what goes on in society which is that government is basically for the service of the rich. The rest of us just happen to be incidentals. We are the little annoyances that government has to deal with while doing its major job of taking care of the rich. The way they do it is throw us little crumbs, from time to time, to shut us up while they appropriate everything else for the rich.

This fact is no better represented than in the policies of the Republican Party as they recently re-stated when they rolled out their latest, recycled and touched up to deceive, policy statement. This time they called it their "Pledge To America" and in it they pledge to basically continue on the same path that brought America to this impasse. They pledged to continue with the regulatory anarchy that brought about the recession and glossed over everything else, which is what they usually do in order to deceive. They'd wrap their policies of helping the rich take over the country, in a cloak of falsehoods and misrepresent it to the people as freedom of enterprise. This is nothing but balderdash as you will find out later in the article.

They have found an ingenuous way in which they brand anything that's proposed which will help the poor as socialism, while they help themselves limitlessly to our common wealth? A jobless citizen subsidy is socialism which will add to the deficit, but a multi billion dollar subsidy to multi-billion dollar companies is normal and good for the economy. And these, for the records, are companies whose owners are pocketing billions of dollars in profits and paying tens, and sometimes, hundreds of millions of dollars in salaries and compensations to their CEOs and other top staff.

Subsidize health care for the citizens? No, that's socialism and we can't afford socialism, not if we want to maintain our rich lords in all their opulence is the part they won't tell you. After all, that's what makes America great, the rich. Why else would the Republican Party be talking about repealing a Health care law that more people in the country believe is wonderful. The people's major grievance with the Health care law is that it doesn't go deep enough in what it's supposed to do, a fact that is supported by various polls taken since after the enactment of that law. Yet the Republican Party, with the full support of the rich, want to take that away from the people, obviously so that they can add the money to support the tax breaks for the rich.

How about a bill to support the small businesses and make sure that they start to thrive again being that they are the major employers of American workers. The Obama government wanted to do that but the Republican "rich man" Party stood in the way. Their argument was that ..............? Up till now, I have not been able to make any sense out of their blabbing on why they opposed that bill even when they kept mouthing their wishes to get the economy going.

Or about holding hostage, a bill to extend unemployment benefits for poor unemployed Americans, who are suffering the results of the Republican Party's greed and incompetence, while demanding that the richest Americans each be given, at least, a hundred thousand dollars in tax breaks. This tax break they were, and are still demanding for the rich will cost in excess of seven hundred billion dollars while the unemployment benefit bill cost less than forty billion dollars. Yet they claimed to be blocking the unemployment benefit bill in other to bring down the country's deficit.

How do you keep claiming to want to get the economy going while blocking everything proposed that will help jump start and sustain that growth? It's really confusing to people when your words speak one thing and your actions speak the very opposite, but don't forget the saying that "action speaks louder than words." What that means, therefore, is that people see and feel the Republican Party's actions more clearly than they hear their words which are drowned out in the madness and confusion, that is that party, most of the time, anyway.

The Republican Party has proved, over the years, to be a party that operates on the premise that this country is supposed to operate on a divide of the "haves" and the "have nots". All their policies, from the nineteen eighties when Ronald Reagan became president, has been geared towards creating that reality. This continued through the government of Bush 1 to George W who took it to the pinacle. They broke down all the barriers that had been put in place by their forebears and this country's fore fathers to guard against that very situation.

This they achieved by removing all the regulations, financial and otherwise, that controlled the way companies and banks did business. The result was that these entities operated as most humans would under an anarchy - without scruples and fear of repercussions. What we got was a system, or lack of it, that encouraged the worst of human greed to thrive. Wall Street ran amok and basically gambled with the nations economy, making obscene amounts of money and creating obscene amounts of wealth for themselves and a very small number of privileged people, at the expense of the vast majority of the population.

In the same vein, other big companies and corporations went haywire, cutting corners and putting the lives and jobs of their employees in grave danger by shipping jobs overseas, and not bothering with improving work place safety. The absence of regulations meant they could do this and increase their profits tenfold, legally, even if it meant that more Americans lost their jobs, or died from very preventable accidents on a regular basis. That was a small price to pay in the quest to create more wealth and riches, albeit for a very few. That is, after all, the mantra of the Republican Party, "wealth creation for the few, at all cost".

What they did, and how they did it, is saturated history but the fact remains that the Republican Party, for some reason, is still not satisfied with the harm they have done the middle class and poor of this country and want to continue. I shudder to imagine what they want to achieve and where they want to lead this country. This is because they have kept getting worse as the days have gone by and are now at a point where they are doing things with a certain amount of cockiness. It is as if to say that we will keep doing what we want and there is nothing you can do about it. The leader of the party said this at the unveiling of their "Pledge To America" document, " We will not be any different than we have been" and that says it all.

The Republican Party has always believed that America should be a country of the rich, for the rich and ruled by the rich. That is their own definition of democracy as they have kept telling us by their past actions and planned future actions. They believe that the poor have to have people to look up to so as to keep the "American dream" alive. They believe that, when you keep the poor hoping, they will, in turn, keep working harder and harder to keep you rich while dreaming that, one day, they can be like you. Genius, isn't it? It is, because we've bought it as normal. So much so, that many of us actually feel guilty having anything done for us by our government. Somehow, through propaganda, we have been made to feel inadequate for receiving any help from the government but feel it's okay for the rich to receive all the help.


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